ID: 16322
Jong Aga Gevonden in Den Haag
No offers posted.
Ik heb deze jonge aga vanmorgen gevonden op mijn vogelkooien (die naast een open raam waren). Hij/zij is nog jong met nog wat zwart op zijn neus. Hij heeft een oranje/geel kop en blauwe staart. Hij had veel hunger and dorst maar ziet er niet te slecht uit. Ik heb hem in een oude kooi gedaan en hij is nu veilig.
Hij is gevonden in de omgeving van Holland Spoor/Centrum (Den Haag).
I found this young lovebird this morning on top of my birdcages (which were next to an open window). They are pretty young with a little bit of black still on their beak. They have an orange/yellow face and blue tail. They were very hungry and thirsty but don't look too bad. I've placed them in an old cage so they are safe now.
They were found close to Holland Spoor/Centrum (The Hague).
Hij is gevonden in de omgeving van Holland Spoor/Centrum (Den Haag).
I found this young lovebird this morning on top of my birdcages (which were next to an open window). They are pretty young with a little bit of black still on their beak. They have an orange/yellow face and blue tail. They were very hungry and thirsty but don't look too bad. I've placed them in an old cage so they are safe now.
They were found close to Holland Spoor/Centrum (The Hague).